Reflection =)

Working on the group project has allowed me to hone my communication skill and on building interpersonal relationship. I have gained invaluable friendships in the process. Through the project, I am also able to apply the techniques and skills of written and oral communication that I have learned in class into practice.
This module has also taught me about job search communication. Writing resume and persuasive application letter do not seem so daunting to me now. I understand how practicing effective written communication on our resume and application letter can be that crucial in enabling us to clinch that desired job. In addition, the mock interview and lists of interview questions are indeed useful. I am also able to draft business correspondents and meeting minutes. These skills are indeed very relevant in the future.
Through this module, I understand the complexity of communication better now and appreciate the importance of effective communication more. Able to practice effective communication is indeed an invaluable skill. Overall, I have gained much from this module. I am sure these skills would definitely help me in the workforce which I am going to enter soon.